Profreehost free hosting for WordPress lifetime

Jayesh Subhash Padwal
4 min readJun 18, 2021
Profreehost free hosting for WordPress lifetime

What is Profreehost

Profreehost is a web hosting company that provides free hosting services to its customers.

They have free plans you can use for personal and commercial use.

Profreehost is a free hosting provider for lifetime free domain and hosting.

ProFreeHost is a web hosting service that aims to provide free servers and tools to its members.

They don’t have a premium plan service. you can use this service as a trial basis for blogging.

Free domain and hosting on Profreehost

Profreehost is a free hosting service.

So it does not give you a free domain name, but it offers you unlimited free subdomain names.

If you want to connect freenom domain you can do it.

This is what you get for free on unlimited websites and lots of sub moments without any extra monthly fee.

Is Profreehost Free Hosting is Safe?

Yes, it is. Profreehost hosting services are almost everything to secure quality web hosting.

However, free web hosting does not mean that any third-party hardware uses or Profreehost hosting does not care about your data.

All servers have Lightspeed, SSL certificate, CloudLinux, firewall setup, etc.

Profreehost secure hosting service?

performance is: For free hosting, servers are optimized properly and 99.9% of the downtime claimed to goesProfreehost, but this is 90%.

In our experience, we have found that the website is down for one minute to one hour a week. Servers are not overloaded, and it is well optimized to run websites properly.

Free Web Hosting Plan of Profreehost

- Unlimited Disk Space

- Unlimited Bandwidth

- MySQL Databases

- Easy Control Panel

- Website Builder

- 100% Free

- No Hidden Costs

- Free Subdomains

- 99.9% Uptime

- No Forced Ads

- Free unlimited web hosting lifetime

All above services You will get free lifetime hosting and domain.

Read also: What Is Web Hosting And The Types Of Web Hosting?

Easy to use control panel

Access all the features to manage your website (s) from a custom, user-friendly and easy-to-use cPanel. Manage websites from a single client area.

Powerful servers

We distribute the hosting load across multiple servers using a single cluster technology. The combination of multiple servers provides up to 99.9% uptime.

This means that even in the event that one of our servers goes down, your website will continue to function properly through the running server.

Reliable features

We provide you with all the necessary functions to develop, manage and expand your websites.

Each hosting account works with multiple versions of PHP up to 7.0, MySQL 5.6, .htaccess, Cron Jobs, Softaculous script installer.

With all these features enabled, you can host almost any website with us.

Branded emails

You can create email addresses with your domain that reflects your personality or business. Send and receive emails in style!

No forced ads

We have always been consistent with our No Forced Ads policy on the client’s website.

After all, it destroys all the meaning of having a personal website.

Instant setup

You don’t need to provide credit card details or go through a lengthy process. Just fill out the simple details on the registration page and you are good to go.

One-click installer

Install any of 50+ famous scripts including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop with the most powerful automatic script installation software by softaculous.

Popular Scripts At 1 Click

- WordPress

- Joomla

- PrestaShop

- Drupal

- Mybb

- Simple machines forum

- Clip Bucket

- Magento


Get help from other members on the Forum or send us a ticket from your account dashboard if you have a problem with your account.

How do I cPanel Profreehost Access:

Access your site via http //’s Cpanel Control Panel, http: //WHM WHM for webmail or.

Profreehost for WordPress

Profreehost provides a free WordPress hosting lifetime so that you can install WordPress from Cpanel.

If you are new to blogging, I suggest that you go to free hosting services.

When you get success in your blogging career.

Then you can transfer your blog to any premium hosting services.

Monetize your website using ProfreeHost free web hosting?

Yes, you can monetize your website without any restrictions you can apply to advertise Google AdSense or any other network. lifetime free web hosting

How can I get lifetime free web hosting?

You have to click on Register Now button Profreehost website Click here to go to website. After clicking, you can watch my youtube video It helps you register this website

Profreehost login process Watch on YouTube?

Profreehost review

I think this website is very good. Who are new to the field of blogging.

They need Webhosting for trial. The login process of this website is very easy and fast.
Its control panel is very simple and it provides you subdomain for trial use. Disk space is unlimited.

So you can use this hosting is also safe.



Jayesh Subhash Padwal

My Name is Jayesh Padwal let me introduce myself. I’m student of Digital Marketing by education a Blogger by profession. Founder of Blogsandtricks website.